Minecraft Color Codes & Format Codes

Minecraft color codes can be used to add color to text in the game. Minecraft formatting codes, on the other hand, can be used to change the appearance of text, such as bold, strikethrough, italics, and more.

Below are two images, one with all the color codes and the other with all the format codes available in Minecraft.

Minecraft Color Codes Chart

Name Code MOTD Code RGB Hex
dark_red §4 \u00A74 170 0 0 AA0000
red §c \u00A7c 255 85 85 FF5555
gold §6 \u00A76 255 170 0 FFAA00
yellow §e \u00A7e 255 255 85 FFFF55
dark_green §2 \u00A72 0 170 0 00AA00
green §a \u00A7a 85 255 85 55FF55
aqua §b \u00A7b 85 255 255 55FFFF
dark_aqua §3 \u00A73 0 170 170 00AAAA
dark_blue §1 \u00A71 0 0 170 0000AA
blue §9 \u00A79 85 85 255 5555FF
light_purple §d \u00A7d 255 85 255 FF55FF
dark_purple §5 \u00A75 170 0 170 AA00AA
white §f \u00A7f 255 255 255 FFFFFF
gray §7 \u00A77 170 170 170 AAAAAA
dark_gray §8 \u00A78 85 85 85 555555
black §0 \u00A70 0 0 0 000000

Minecraft Format Codes

Code Official Name
§k Obfuscated
§l Bold
§m Strikethrough
§n Underline
§o Italic
§r Reset

Code Typing Tips

To enter “§” on Windows, you have multiple options:

  • Type Alt NUMPAD2 and NUMPAD1
  • Type Alt + NUMPAD0 and NUMPAD1 and NUMPAD6 and NUMPAD7

To enter “§” on a Mac US keyboard, type Option + 6 (Option + 5 for US Extended).

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